The school hosts around 500 students (grades 9-12). The maximum number of students in each class is 25.
JS employs a strict multiple-criteria system for admission in all its programs including the national, and the international IGCSE.
By December of every year, the nomination for admission to the school opens to students of both sexes from public and private schools. Hundreds of students from various regions of Jordan apply, but due to restricted capacity, the school accepts a limited number of students in grade 9, and in rare cases in grade 10.

Admission criteria:
The JS applies a rigorous multiple-criteria system for admission that include:
• Proof of Academic distinction over the last three semesters
• Highest scores on the Jubilee Scholastic Aptitude Test (JSAT) which measures verbal,
mathematical and logical reasoning abilities.
• Evaluation of Potential Creativity – “EPoC” test
• Creative Writing
• An English Test for 10th grade for the national program
• Personal interview.
Admission Stages:
The student must pass all three stages before being admitted to the Jubilee School.
1) Nomination:
The applicants must submit their application electronically through the website:
Terms for candidacy:
a. The student should be a Jordanian or a foreigner with a residency permit.
b. The student should be in grade 8 when applying for the Jubilee School.
c. Academic excellence:
Applying for grade 9:
– a minimum average of 88% in the last 3 semesters for the national program
– a minimum average of 85% in the last 3 semesters for the international program coming
from national schools
– a minimum average of 80% in the last 3 semesters for the international program coming
from international schools
Applying go grade 10:
In some cases, and according to the availability of seats, students may apply to the
national/international tenth grade according to the following:
– a minimum average of 90% in the last 3 semesters for the national program
– a minimum average of 85% in the last 3 semesters for the international program coming
from national or international schools
d. Should fill/provide all the information in the application form.
e. Upload 1 recent personal photo.
The student who complies with the school’s requirements for application, will receive an email that
explains the application procedures and how to proceed with the Application Fees payment in order
to move to the next stage i.e. The testing.

Testing Fees:
The Testing fees can be either paid at the Jubilee Institute premises, or at The Arab Bank
Shmeisani/account number 0118/246641/4/502
The application fees vary according to the program.
• National: 35 JD
• IGCSE: 150 JD
2) Testing
The dates of the tests are announced on our website, social media pages and through the Ministry of Education.
A. Jubilee Scholastic Aptitude Test (JSAT):
Students in all programs (national and international), sit for an aptitude test that measures their
mental and cognitive abilities in the verbal, mathematical and logical areas. This test is meant to
discover their readiness to excel in the future.
The test has (100) questions and needs (135) minutes to complete.
The test parts have (6) sections: Math (sections 2 & 3)
Geometry and Visual Perception (Section 4)
Diagrammatic Reasoning (Section 6)
Language (sections 1&5)
B. Evaluation of Potential Creativity “EPoC”:
It is a test that allows creative giftedness to be measured. According to “EPoC”, creativity is defined
as, the ideas and actions that lead to an innovative and authentic product, compatible and appropriate
for the context.
The test includes verbal and graphic subtests that measure the two key modes of creative cognition:
• Divergent- exploratory thinking: “the ability to produce many, varied elements based on
a stimulus”.
• Convergent – integrative thinking: “the ability to articulate or integrate several elements
into a cohesive unit”.
The tasks are completed during two test sessions (approximately 45 minutes each).

C. Expressive Writing:
The test is conducted immediately after the EPoC test. In 20 minutes, the applicant writes a personal
statement in a paragraph of 150 words maximum, and according to specific criteria. The Expressive
Writing is evaluated based on logical thinking and descriptive writing. It can be written either in
Arabic or in English.
The personal statement is an opportunity for students to express in writing, their expectations, and
aspirations, describe future interests and goals. It also reflects the extent of the student’s interest
in joining the Jubilee School, and how they will serve their communities.
D. Personal Interview:
The Interview committee, composed of teachers and educators conducts a personal interview with
each student for the duration of 20 – 30 minutes. The interview tries to identify features of behavioral
and personal inclinations and aspirations for the future.
During the interview, students are introduced to the school’s program and life on campus. They also
get the chance to receive answers to their different inquiries regarding the school.
The school provides full or partial scholarships to a number of students in the national program,
who have passed the admission requirements, to compete for the scholarship. The continuity of the
scholarship depends on maintaining a certain average of academic performance.
Parents can apply for financial aid after the sessions of the tests are completed and the results are
The value of the scholarship granted to the student depends on the gross income of the family. The
scholarship provided by the school covers school fees and internal housing for students from the
north and south governorates, and those from outside the Kingdom, and does not include fees for
books, school uniforms and transportation.
Preparatory Summer School
During the summer vacation, the school holds a summer school for students who are admitted to
the Jubilee School. It aims to introduce and prepare new students to the school life, its programs,
and activities.
Students are given lessons in certain academic subjects such as: English, mathematics, computer,
and robotics, in addition to personal development skills and curricular activities that allow students
to become familiar with each other and train them how to deal with the upcoming changes.
The school provides for provincial students a full-board service in the dormitory during the school
weekdays, with return to the parents at the weekend.
The Jubilee School hosts two separate single-gender dormitories on campus, providing a safe
and comfortable residential experience with round-the-clock faculty supervision to accommodate
students from across Jordan and beyond.
For many students, the boarding school experience helps to develop their confidence and maturity
while maximizing their academic and student-life experience, with constant access to school
facilities and faculty. Each student’s room is furnished with a bed, desk, chair, closet, and nightstand.
Supervised common areas are available for students to socialize and work.
Formal Registration
• The student is officially registered after the fees are paid and the student’s academic file
is submitted to the Admission Department.
• All admitted students must attend a Summer School of three weeks through which they
are prepared for school life and school programs.
• Parents will be notified of the transfer procedures and the Summer School date upon payment
of fees and completion of registration via the school’s electronic platform Edunation.
• The student loses his right to the seat and the scholarship he obtained if the guardian fails to
pay the fees on the specified dates.
University Admission
100% of the graduates are admitted to universities and colleges in Jordan and abroad. More than
15% of school alumni were granted scholarships (full & partial) based on merit, through partnerships
with national and international universities.
The Jubilee School
nurtures the next generation of leaders – socially responsible, critical
thinkers, who are able to address challenges within their own communities as well as
contribute to building bridges throughout the world.