The School offers a comprehensive educational program that aims to promote and develop the potential and capabilities of students in the sciences, mathematics, and technology in particular, as well as languages, humanities, social studies, the arts and athletics. Focus is on fostering the leadership personality and the skills of innovation and distinction. Our educational program encompasses both the instructional domain and the leadership programs and activities.

Formal Education Program:
Formal Education Program: Students have the option to choose between enrolling in the Jordanian General Secondary Education Certificate (Tawjihi) or the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and A-Level exams.

graduation requirements
- Successful completion of the Ministry of Education curriculum or the IGCSE, as well as all academic subjects prescribed by the School, whether mandatory or elective courses.
- Completing and submitting a successful graduation project.
- Fulfilling 120 hours of community service at least, over a period of three years.

Jubilee Co-Curricula
Students are required to take enhancement courses in topics such as Research and Entrepreneurship, as well as select 10 from 50+ courses such as Artificial Intelligence, Bioethics, and much more, culminating in the “Graduation Project” where students are mentored to develop a prototype of an innovative idea that responds to local and global challenges.

University Counseling
Along with the educational counseling program at Jubilee – which aims at adjusting students to the academic, emotional, and social changes facing them in a new school – the School offers its students an inclusive counseling program for university and careers guidance. This program consists of several services that aim to assist the student in perceiving his or her leanings, abilities and capabilities, as well as getting introduced to the world of careers, colleges and universities, specialties, educational and vocational institutions, and the demands of the market.

Personal Development Program
Program: Designed to equip students with the life skills they need to become ethically driven change-makers and humane leaders through interactive lessons and project-based learning such as research, leadership, entrepreneurship, project management and productive thinking skills as well as knowledge on human rights.

community service
The Community Service program at Jubilee provides a valuable and unique opportunity for both our students and our local community – an opportunity which may not be matched in other schools with its orderly and systematic fashion. This program is compulsory for all students to be allowed to graduate. Each student is required to fulfill at least 120 hours of community service over three years of schooling, to the tune of 40 hours per year. Students are distributed to serve and assist within their residential areas at public institutions such as hospitals, orphanages, homes for children with special needs and homes for the elderly and infirm.